Only server administrators (users with ADMINISTRATOR
permission) can modify RadarBot settings!
This command you can block commands for specific positions for this type the command below:
In the photo below the Bot's response:
I changed [command] to taf to do the demo
Only server administrators (users with ADMINISTRATOR
permission) can modify RadarBot settings!
To know the language that Radar Bot is using on the server use this command
If you want to change the language use this command
Only server administrators (users with ADMINISTRATOR
permission) can modify RadarBot settings!
To disable or enable a Radar Bot command on your server use this command
/command <"enable" or "disable"> <"Command Name">
and the bot will respond:
Only server administrators (users with ADMINISTRATOR
permission) can modify RadarBot settings!
To allow or not a command in a specific channel of your server use this command
and the bot will respond: